Thursday, July 13, 2017

Vino con vino?

We thought we would begin this journey by explaining the name of our blog. Vino con vino is our favorite Spanish sentence both because of its simple form (we suspect Boutros Boutros Ghali would approve) and what it means.

Vino, as most of you likely know is the Spanish word for wine, and a favorite beverage of ours. However, it is also the third person singular preterit (past) tense of the verb Venir (to come). Vino con vino therefore means "he came with wine" / "she came with wine" / "you came with wine". This really represents what we hope our journey to Spain and beyond will be: enjoying wine and life -- is there really any difference? -- with friends, family and even strangers.

We hope you will join us on our journey through Vino Con Vino. Also, we do take requests, so feel free to suggest blog post topics in comments and we will try to oblige.

- Jeff and Shana


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First Comment! Looking forward to following your adventures.

  3. So excited to read about it all...will miss you both like crazy. Have fun!!!

  4. Enjoy your next adventure! Looking forward to following along here.

  5. Adios Amigos,
    Tener un tiempo maravilloso
    Abrazos, Ron and Diana

  6. Love and best wishes as you begin this next chapter of your lives! We look forward to reading about all your adventures.
    Love, Shira, Brent, Noah and Ari

  7. As usual, we learn from our younger cousins the importance of living our dreams!
    Have fun, be safe, and enjoy the vino (responsibly)!
    Lots of love, Adina, and Eli

  8. As usual, we learn from our younger cousins the importance of living our dreams!
    Have fun, be safe, and enjoy the vino (responsibly)!
    Lots of love, Adina, and Eli
