Saturday, July 22, 2017

Packing for Spain

How do you pack your entire life and move it to a foreign country? There are probably as many answers to this question as there are people moving abroad. Our answer was to get rid of most of what we own and bring as little as we could.

After donating most of what we owned, we are leaving a few things with Shana's sister in Washington (thanks Shira!), and we rented a 5 ft x 5 ft storage unit for the items that we felt we could not get rid of -- some clothes, but mostly photos, photo albums, art and wedding gifts. Here is a look at the storage unit:

The only things we are taking to Spain are:

Personal items,
A few photos,
A few books, and

These items are packed into five large pieces of luggage, two carry-on suitcases and two backpacks. Basically, everything we are taking will fit on a single luggage cart at the airport (or maybe two carts).
Another photo (we are becoming so multimedia savvy):

If we need more, we will buy it in Spain.

- Jeff & Shana

1 comment:

  1. Good luck and keep posting. All our love Shoshana Martin & Ringo
