Monday, August 19, 2024

Semana Grande

As always, the week of August that includes the 15th is Semana Grande here in San Sebastian. That means nightly fireworks, amusement-park rides (not that we partake), lots of musical options, and huge numbers of tourists both local and far flung.

This was our second Semana Grande in our current apartment, and we took full advantage of our location to not go out to see fireworks since we have such a good view from our balcony. We even invited friends over a couple of nights to watch with us.
We went out several evenings to see music at the city's main kiosk (bandstand) near the old city performed by various Spanish city orchestras. 

For the first time, this year we did something unusual for us: we went to see the late-night concert that starts after the fireworks (at 11:45 pm) at the far end of Zurriola beach. It took a confluence of events to keep us out until almost 2 am: (1) the concert was a Tina Turner tribute band called Totally Tina, which meant that the music was definitely up our alley; (2) the next day was the holiday (dia de la Asuncion, celebrating when Mary ascended to heaven), which meant the gym was closed; and (3) our friend Angela lives overlooking the site of the concert so we had a great view without fighting the crowds. It was really fun.
Although the weather was not great most of the week -- overcast and humid -- Thursday was nice and Shana managed to drag herself out for a hike on Mount Urgull with our friend Connie, while I recovered from our unusual late night.
Overall, it was a very fun Semana Grande, but we are definitely looking forward to the reduction of the crowds in San Sebastian as we head from summer into fall.

Hasta pronto,

Jeff and Shana

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