Monday, May 20, 2024

Keeping Busy Between Trips

We’ve enjoyed the past few weeks at home after our Northern Europe trip before heading out again next week, this time to Scotland for 17 nights. It’s been a wet and cool Spring so the opportunities to be outside have been more limited than we’d like. In between trip planning and getting doctors’ appointments and related routine tests taken care of, we’ve had a few adventures.

Our friend Connie is in town and she’s good at organizing things, including games with friends and bike rides. On Mother’s Day I joined her for a long ride that went to an old mine. The scenery was terrific along the way.

Then we had a surprise visitor:  our friend Atsuto from Japan. He was in town with his boss and colleagues doing research for the group of Spanish restaurants his team runs. We had a great time catching up and reminiscing about when he and Rieko lived here.

Last week we went back to the spa in Orio to enjoy the water circuit and lunch. And this weekend we finally had a sunny day, so we went for a walk on the beach. As of June 1, dogs will no longer be allowed on the beach until after the summer season. We love seeing dogs frolicking in the sand and sea. This time we saw one special pup who was jumping over and even body surfing the waves – it was incredible.

We’re excited for Scotland, even though the weather might be like our last trip – cool and rainy. We’ll do our best to roll with whatever comes our way.


Shana & Jeff

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