Sunday, January 14, 2024

Cradle Mountain and the Most Famous Tasmanians of All

Tasmania offers an incredibly diverse landscape. Driving through each region has been varied and engaging. The western area is remote and wild. The roads are twisty and narrow, we often had no radio stations, and our eating opportunities were limited, but we certainly didn’t starve. Not every meal can be fabulous when you're on the road.

We left Queenstown to stay in Tullah, a very small town that provided good access to Cradle Mountain National Park. On our way there we passed through several other small towns that were historic during Tasmania’s early development, like Zeehan, but are now out of the way little “holes in the wall”. Let’s just say we haven’t seen a stoplight since Hobart.

We hiked out to Montezuma Falls, Tassie’s highest waterfall, which also had a nearby suspension bridge. Considering all the time we are spending in the car, the many hikes and walks available along the way are fabulous. 

Cradle Mountain is one of Tassie’s iconic national parks, which means it is very popular. You park at a visitor center and take shuttle buses up to the hiking trails. It was a busy place, but once we got out on the trails the crowds dissipated. It pays to do the longer and tougher walks! We did the Dove Lake Circuit, then continued walking down to Ronny Creek via Lilla Lake and Wombat Pool. We had cool weather, which was perfect for the several hours we were out walking.

We even saw a wombat as we reached the end of our lengthy hike.

The highlight of our Cradle Mountain visit was Devils@Cradle, one of Tassie’s Tasmanian Devil sanctuaries. Devils are endangered due to devil facial tumor disease, loss of habitat and well . . . cars. We learned so much about devils (the largest living carnivorous marsupial) and spotted quolls, another marsupial. Being there for the afternoon feeding allowed us to hear them growling and menacing each other. The devils are such fascinating creatures that look and behave like an odd combination of a small bear, puppy, and rodent. It was hard to pick out a few photos to feature here:

The wildlife has been one of the highlights of the trip. We just wish there wasn’t so much roadkill!

Slow down and drive carefully,

Shana & Jeff

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