Monday, November 6, 2023

Back in New Zealand So Soon?

When we were here in New Zealand last December, we didn’t think we’d get this far from home again within a year. Afterall, it’s a long journey from San Sebastian (or anywhere else for that matter) to what we affectionately call the end of the earth.

We had very few plans when we got home in March – find a new place, get back to a routine, plan a trip or two within Europe. We did those things quickly and enjoyed being in a groove. Yet, here we are on another extended trip.

During our last visit, we met a wonderful couple. We hit it off with Stuart and Jeff as we tasted wines together at Greystone Wines on a beautiful sunny day. Some might call our meeting kismet. We have a lot in common: wine, a love of travel, two Jeffs, among other things. We formed a bond, joked about being willing to take care of their house, enjoyed their NZ tips, and stayed in touch after we continued exploring. For a moment we even considered extending our long trip to housesit for them, but that didn’t pan out. So, we finished the Big Trip as planned.

Then, shortly after our return, they suggested a house swap, and we didn’t hesitate. It took a bit to work out all the details, but we eventually did so.

Getting here was not easy, as we tried to make the trip as tolerable as possible on our bodies and minds. The journey started on October 11, when we took our local train to the French border, took the train to Paris, and then took the metro and RER train to the airport, where we stayed at a hotel. Next, we took an overnight flight to Seoul, where we spent 8 hours in the transit hotel getting some sleep and a shower. Then, we took another overnight flight to Brisbane, where we spent most of the day at a hotel getting some sleep and a shower. Finally, we flew to Christchurch arriving at 1 am on October 15, where we took a cab to a hotel. Stuart and Jeff picked us up around 11 am, and after a few errands we headed to see their place.

And here we are, already more than 3 weeks into our stay. Our plan is to spend 10 weeks here, then we’ll head to Tasmania for a 3-week road trip around the island, then to Malaysia for 3 weeks, and finally, we’ll stop on the west coast of the US to visit family and friends.

Meanwhile, after hosting us at their home for a few days and showing us the ropes – more on that in the next post – we dropped Stuart and Jeff at the airport so that they could start their journey to San Sebastian, via Los Angeles and London.

They are now ensconced in our apartment enjoying everything our beloved city has to offer, while we enjoy the tranquility here.

Be back soon,

Shana & Jeff

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