Thursday, October 26, 2023

Closing Out the Summer with More Visitors

The last part of the summer was busy with more visitors and fun San Sebastian traditions. On August 31 the city commemorates the day it was almost entirely burned to the ground in 1813. We’ve attended this event before, but this year we took it in from new perspectives. We caught the beginning of the parade in the Old City streets, enjoying the costumes and music.

We then skipped the reenactment of the battle that is done in the area where the city walls were breached and waited to see the end of the battle in front of the San Telmo Museum. There we witnessed plenty of canon fire, soldiers fighting, and the symbolic setting of fire to the city. It’s a colorful and emotional celebration.

September brought visitors. First was a surprise contact from Dr. Tony’s sister Michelle and her husband Peter from Sydney. We reconnected with Tony and his daughter Romy (who we had met in Thailand) while in Melbourne last year. He told Michele we had to meet, and we were thrilled to exchange stories over drinks at a newer bar that is in an old convent. Note the beautiful ceiling.

Our next visitors were Robyn and Lee from the DC area, who know seemingly all of our friends there. We had a fabulous fish lunch in the port on a beautiful sunny day and got along famously. They were lucky enough to see some Basque dancing in Constitution Plaza before lunch.

Finally, we had a great time hosting Dave and Leslie, friends of our dear friends Debbie Dyner and David Harris. We walked all over, ate the best pintxos, and kayaked in the bay.

We really do enjoy showing off San Sebastian. On meeting us, everyone asks, “why did you move here?” Our response, “we’ll give you an hour and you’ll figure it out.” And they always do.

Hasta pronto,

Shana & Jeff

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