Saturday, March 18, 2023

Stateside in Hawaii and Nor Cal

Before returning to San Sebastian, we made two stops in the US. First we spent a week in Maui – a former favorite haunt – and then we visited family and friends in Northern California.

We didn’t have the best weather in Maui, but rain brings rainbows and we saw a lot of them, including this beautiful double.

We also could see lots of whale spouts from the shore. Maui is busy as ever and it was interesting to see how the beaches have changed with the storms that had passed through. There is even a boat washed up on the beach in Kaanapali:

It was great to stand up paddleboard, snorkel, walk the shore path, eat lots of fresh fish, and just relax after the overnight flight from Japan and traveling for 19 weeks.

We were pleased to celebrate Don’s (Jeff’s Dad) 80th birthday during our visit to Northern California. It is always good to share happy occasions and it was awesome that Neil & Tracy, cousins from Seattle, joined the fun. Afterall, we needed Neil’s extraordinary selfie skills:

We belatedly celebrated Karyn & Jim’s 50th birthdays by joining them for a day in their “happy place,” in Pacific Grove. Playing board games with the Holl family is always super fun. And we had a great fish dinner.

We can’t wait to hear which college Jeremy & Ethan choose once they’ve received all their acceptances.

Finally, we appreciated visiting and drinking wine with dear friends. Thanks to Jill & Peter for hosting us!

Our time in the US flew by and before we knew it, we were on yet another overnight flight – this time through Amsterdam to head back to Spain. (Best in-flight movie of the trip: “Everything Everywhere All at Once.”) And here we are, back home. For how long before we’re on the road again is anyone’s guess.

We’ll have an update on our new apartment and future travel plans soon.

Hasta luego,

Shana & Jeff

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