Friday, June 3, 2022

Fun Times in Seattle

Last month we finally returned to Seattle for the first time since we left in July of 2017. This visit should have occurred two years ago but was postponed due to COVID (like so many things). We relished the opportunity to see family, friends, and some of our favorite places.

Our first night we celebrated nephew #5’s birthday on his actual birthday. Look how 15-year-old Noah towers over us now! He’s so grown up and even has his first job!

The next day, we were able to attend a Mariners day game! One of the things we miss most about living abroad is going to an MLB game. Imagine how happy we were to see that the Mariners were playing at home during our visit. While the Mariners lost, we were reminded just how much we enjoy attending baseball games in person, especially with your siblings, and with surprise guests who are baseball fanatics – Eliana Rips and her friend Isaiah:

The following day, it was time to address our primary task of the trip – emptying our storage unit. Five years away allowed us to forget what and how much stuff we had put into our 5’x5’x10' unit (some might recall the photo of it in our very first blog post). It took two very long days to empty it out, sift through and elect what to keep and what to toss/recycle/donate/gift/etc. Many, many thanks to Shira for the use of her living room to sort everything and for coordinating the distribution of so many items through her “Buy Nothing” groups. (As they say, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.) Also, for agreeing to keep the three remaining bins of photos and mementos (that’s it!) in her garage for the foreseeable future.

After two days of "work" with our stuff, we were happy to have time to visit with dear friends. We spent a lovely afternoon “happy hour” with Caleb, Taylor and their two pups Gertie and Lenny at their new home. We used to exchange dog sitting services with them. They loved and cared for Clyde like he was their own, and we learned to enjoy big dogs thanks to their beloved Asia who was such a joy to have around. Both are in doggie heaven keeping each other company, along with Bonnie, who we’re sure loves Asia as much as Clyde did.

We also visited with our former neighbors (and loyal blog readers!) on Spruce St., Greg and Jeff, who also used to help out with Clyde. It was great catching up with them and seeing how the neighborhood has changed. And they helped us check off our “to do” list a classic meal of Ezell’s fried chicken.

As you can already see, our visit was super busy and we’re still recovering from all the activity and the return trip. More on our Pacific Northwest adventures to come.

Hasta pronto,

Shana & Jeff

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