Thursday, April 14, 2022

Early Notes from Lyon

We arrived in Lyon, the first stop on our current trip, on Tuesday evening. After two days here, we are really enjoying this beautiful city and, of course, its food and wine.

Just a couple of quick initial notes on Lyon. First, the city sports a number of really cool, extremely lifelike murals painted on whole buildings, a couple of which we found on our first day in the city. 

The second picture is of one of the more famous murals in the city. As you can see, it is very lifelike (even more so in person). Notice Shana interacting with the worker at the bottom of the stairs.

Today, we had fantastic weather. The flowers are blooming as spring has arrived in Lyon:
We also had a really cool experience when we went to the Lyon Resistance Museum. Just as we arrived, a youth wind orchestra from Germany was preparing to play a concert in the plaza outside the museum. We stayed and listened to several pieces before going inside.
From the museum, we could still hear them as they played for about and hour and a half, including a number of modern songs like Bohemian Rhapsody, Englishman in New York, and Imagine. You can see from the below photo (taken from the window of the museum) that they had drawn a good crowd.
More to come soon.

Jeff and Shana

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