Wednesday, January 20, 2021

January 2021 Update: A Tamborrada-less January


We haven’t had much to write about lately and we expect that will continue for the foreseeable future as we continue to live with coronavirus restrictions. Let’s face it, like all of you, we’re not going anywhere far anytime soon. And although we sure would like to get back on the road and travel, go to a movie theater, concert, or well, anywhere really, we are grateful that we are healthy, safe and comfortable in our apartment here. So, at the very least, we’ll try to post once a month with some updates and thoughts on what life is like in San Sebastian, even if the posts are brief.

We weren’t able to do much to celebrate Jeff’s birthday other than enjoy a lovely bottle of wine. Even more disappointing than mundane birthday commemorations though is the fact that there will be no Tamborrada this year on January 20 for the first time since 1906. Tamborrada is considered the noisiest festival in all of Spain, and our readers know that it is everyone’s favorite day in San Sebastian. A 24-hour drumming festival celebrating the city’s patron saint (Sebastian) and the city’s history and spirit. We are incredibly sad that it will be so quiet this year and that we will not hear the “March of San Sebastian” over, and over, and over. Here are some excerpted lyrics:

We are always merry, always happy!

There is a Sebastian in the sky

one unique San Sebastian in the world

that is the saint, and this is the town.

That is what our San Sebastian is!

Of course, it is sung in Euskara (Basque), which is terribly difficult to learn and pronounce. But if you’re curious, here’s a version done by several local famous singers especially for this year’s virtual celebration:

We have many fond memories of the past three Tamborradas. You can always check out the past year’s posts to see how fun and special it is. In the meantime, we will try to take advantage of any good weather that comes our way to enjoy walks on the beautiful La Concha beach, like we did yesterday.

Here’s to 2021 bringing new memories and better times than 2020.

Be safe and healthy,

Shana & Jeff 

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