Sunday, March 15, 2020

Coronavirus Update Part 2

Before getting “locked down” officially at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning (Monday, 16 March), we ventured out yesterday and today to enjoy the beautiful sunny weather, to take super-long walks, and to get some extra Vitamin D before we won’t be able to venture out too far or for too long. Saturday a lot of other people seemed to have the same idea. Today, after the Prime Minister’s speech, it was much quieter, especially because all of the bars and restaurants are already closed.
Since yesterday’s post was photo-free, we thought we’d share a few photos from our last adventure out. As you can see, it was gorgeous and warm, but the streets were mostly empty.

Wish us luck and feel free to call and/or Skype to keep us company. 

Sending virtual hugs your way, 
Shana & Jeff

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