Thursday, September 19, 2019

San Sebastian Film Festival 2019

Hard for us to believe, but it is already time for the San Sebastian International Film Festival, the third we will attend since moving here. The Festival starts tomorrow and runs through September 29.

The first year we were here, we only attended nine movies in the nine days of the Festival ( because we were limited by the hours we were in school and our need to do homework and sleep. Last year, we missed the first and last days of the Festival for two different trips, but managed to attend 16 movies in seven days (

This year, we are planning a similar pace to 2018 but during the full nine days (20 movies for Shana, 21 for me). After spending much time planning our purchases, we were ready to buy when tickets became available last Sunday at 9:00 am. However, because of technical glitches on the Festival site, what should have taken about one hour, took five! We were not very happy, but neither were all the Spaniards posting on the Festival's Twitter feed. It was fun to be able to understand all the complaining.

We will, of course, have a post about this year's Festival when it is over, but until then dear readers, we will be incommunicado.

Hasta la vista,

Jeff and Shana

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