Saturday, May 25, 2019

San Juan de Gaztelugatxe – aka Dragonstone

We finally made it out to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, one of the most beautiful spots in the Basque Country. It is much easier to get there with a car, so my brother’s visit created the perfect opportunity to visit this amazing site. We rented a car in Bilbao and spent the day driving along the gorgeous coast to San Sebastian. Less than an hour from Bilbao, and past the charming town of Bakio, you come to this stunning place:
It’s a 10-minute walk to the lookout point where that photo was taken, and a 25-minute walk to the island.
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe is an island - the path is man-made. The building at the top is a small church that dates from the 10th century, and it has been an important historical site since. However, what has made the site really famous is that it was used as the site of Dragonstone in Game of Thrones. Since the release of Season 7, the popularity of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe has soared. Luckily, we were there early morning and mid-week and enjoyed this pilgrimage site in an uncrowded state. To their credit, the local government has chosen not to charge an admission fee to visit the area.
It’s 241 stairs to the top, where you’ll find the chapel (not a giant dragon fortress, which is a CGI creation). Legend says it is good luck to ring the bell 3 times and you can hear the bell often during your ascent to the top.
This is truly a special place. Fisherman still come to ask for blessings in the chapel in advance of their voyages as the season begins.

Hasta luego,

Shana & Jeff

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