Thursday, November 1, 2018


When our dear friends from LA, Matt and Amy, told us they were checking the Amalfi Coast off their bucket list with a trip in late September, we knew we had to meet them there. It worked out well to meet them in Sorrento, their last stop, and for us the first stop of a nearly 3-week trip.
Sorrento is about an hour train ride heading south from Naples. We hopped on the Circumvesuviana (say that 5 times fast!) train and enjoyed the landscape. Sorrento is built on the cliffsides of the Sorrentine peninsula from where you can take in the entire Gulf of Naples, Mount Vesuvius, and the Isle of Capri. It is simply stunning and is one of the most beautiful places we have ever visited. We walked the charming streets and enjoyed seeing the numerous lemon products in various stores. Lemons are locally grown and limoncello is one of Sorrento’s creations.
We also had some of the freshest fish for dinner in a beautiful restaurant right on the water.
Sorrento is a place to linger and savor – the views of the bay, the cliffs, the boats (big and small), the smells and tastes of the sea, fish, and lemons, and the sunsets.
We stayed two train stops up the road from Sorrento proper in Piano di Sorrento. These were the views from our (very small) balcony.
As you can imagine, Sorrento’s beauty made us smile. Sharing it with good friends made it even more special.

Shana & Jeff

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