Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Showing Off San Sebastian

It gives us great pleasure to show off San Sebastian to friends and family. We were so happy that my sister came to visit and thrilled when she said, “you picked a great place to live.” We do love living here, and we are becoming excellent tour guides. What better way to visit a city than with a personalized tour? Yes, this post is another invitation to come visit us! You won’t be sorry, just check out the photos to see why:
The views along the river:
The Ayuntamiento (City Hall):
The beautiful beaches:
Flysch formations:
The La Concha Bay:
The Peine del Viente:
We are looking forward to another friend’s visit in August, and another in November. In the meantime, we’ll be exploring Italy this month.
Hasta luego,
Shana & Jeff

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