Monday, July 23, 2018

One Year in Spain...And Two More Approved!

Today we celebrate a full year of living in Spain (ironically, from vacation in Italy). We arrived in Madrid last July 23rd with five large duffel bags, two carry-on suitcases and two backpacks. We did not have a place to live. Since then we have integrated ourselves into life in San Sebastian, made substantial progress in our ability to speak Spanish, and pretty much lived as Spaniards for a year.

In more exciting news, this week we learned that our visa renewal application was approved! That means we can live in Spain for at least the next two years. We still have to jump through some hoops to get our new ID cards, but we will be official through July 23, 2020.

Finally, we failed to note the one-year anniversary of vinoconvino. Our post introducing the blog was on July 13, 2017. This is our 71st post, so we have posted a bit more than once a week. We would like to thank all of our readers, whether you have been here from the beginning or only recently discovered our little blog. Hopefully, our continuing adventures will be worth reading.

More soon from Italia.


Jeff and Shana

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