Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Niagara Falls

While visiting Toronto we ventured out to see Niagara Falls, which was high on Jeff’s Mom’s sightseeing list. I had been to the falls as a child but only had memories of it based on photos and Jeff had never been, so we were happy to make the drive and enjoy more family time. The Falls are an amazing sight and we’ve got some pictures to prove it:
The main Horseshoe Falls straddle the Canadian-US border. We stayed on the Canadian side – during 2018 we have not yet been and don’t have plans to be in the US at all.
From the Canadian side, you can take a Hornblower Cruise right up to the foot of the Horseshoe Falls wearing the obligatory red poncho:
You really need that poncho to keep from getting completely drenched. From the US side, the Maid of the Mist boat makes the same journey with passengers wearing blue ponchos. We’re not sure why they use the term “mist.” When you get close to the falls it is much more like actual rain and you get pretty wet, especially your shoes. It was a good thing the sun was out to dry us out!
It is worth the trip to see the falls, which are an incredible force of nature. The combined falls form the highest flow rate of any waterfall in North America. I could have watched and listened to the water go over the falls for hours.
Other than the falls, the Niagara Falls towns on either side of the border are vile tourist traps that we could not get away from quickly enough. Once we had our fill of the falls we headed for a scenic drive along the river towards Niagara-on-the-Lake where we visited a couple of wineries. Of course, we did! We were favorably impressed by the local wines and our lunch at Oliv Tasting Room & Restaurant (Strewn Winery) and 13th Street Winery.
All in all, a terrific day trip full of good memories.
Hasta pronto,
Shana & Jeff

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